Affiliate Marketing Masterclass Video PLR Videos Package Review

Affiliate Marketing Masterclass Video PLR Videos Package Review

Product Name: Affiliate Marketing Masterclass Video PLR Videos Package

Author:  Charles and Laurel Harper

My Honest Affiliate Marketing Masterclass Video PLR Videos Package Review and You Get To Choose Your Bonuses.

Affiliate Marketing Masterclass Video PLR Videos Package Reivew

What is Affiliate Marketing Masterclass Video PLR Videos Package Review?

Lean, Teach and Sell The Process of Setting Up for Affiliate Marketing Automations

There is more to creating an affiliate promotion than just sharing your link on social media or emailing a broadcast.  When done right, you can build more credibility with your audience, generate more leads and be more targeted in your promotions.

With a certain set of technical processes, you can automate all of these features into your affiliate promotions.

What is means to you is that you build more authority with your promotions, even as you send the buyer to another business owner.

Setting up these processes isn’t a common thing to do and something you won’t find on email as you look at the entire set of videos.   But once it’s working for you, it can help you (or your customer) to achieve more of your business goals.


Affiliate Marketing Masterclass Video PLR Videos Package

Affiliate Marketing Masterclass Bundle

You and Your Customers Can Become an Overnight Authority With Our Simple To Follow Training and Instruction

Affiliate Marketing Masterclass DVD

Stay on the Cutting Edge With This Course and Content

So, we’ve taken the time to go over those things

In 20 over the shoulder videos

In less than one hour…

To walk through the process

And give you everything you need to teach your customer
how it works

Baby Step By Baby Step

You Can Position yourself with an Evergreen Course which is Perfect for Newbies AND Advanced Marketers…

Here’s What You’re Getting:

20+ High Level Step by Step Over the Shoulder Videos

Affiliate Marketing Masterclass DVD
  • 0001 – Your Autoresponder and Affiliate Marketing
  • 0002 – Website Affiliate Marketing Disclaimers
  • 0003 – Set Up A Basic Bridge Page
  • 0004 – Set Up Bonus Delivery and Thank You Page
  • 0005 – Capturing E-Mails for The Bonus Delivery
  • 0006 – Connecting Member Platforms to E-Mail Service Providers
  • 0007 – Follow Up with the Upsell Promotion
  • 0008 – Creating Images for Your Promotions
  • 0009 – Evergreen Affiliate Promotion and Link Cloaking
  • 0010 – Link Cloaking for Mobile Users
  • 0011 – Creating a Video Promotion
  • 0012 – Creating an Interview Promotion
  • 0013 – Effective Tagging Bonus Area Strategies
  • 0014 – Creating 3D Images To Represent Your Bonus – In Photoshop – Part 1
  • 0015 – Creating 3D Images To Represent Your Bonus – In Photoshop – Part 2
  • 0016 – Creating 3D Images To Represent Your Bonus – In Photoshop – Part 3
  • 0017 – Creating a Partner Bonus for Their Download Page – Part 1
  • 0018 – Creating A Partner Bonus for Their Download Page – Part 2
  • 0019 – Creating A Partner Bonus for Their Download Page – Part 3
  • 0020 – Creating a Password Protected Bonus Area – Course Platform

20 High Quality Mp3 Companion Audios

Affiliate Marketing Masterclass Audio Image

Professional Sales and Thank You Page

Affiliate Marketing Masterclass Sales Page

Lead Magnet Set Up Page

Affiliate Marketing Masterclass Lead Magnet

Full Set of Professional Graphics and Banner Advertisements
Plus All of the Source PSD Files

Affiliate Marketing Masterclass Showcase of Images

Full Contextual Course Shots

Affiliate Marketing Masterclass Slides

Full PLR Video Transcripts

Affiliate Marketing Masterclass Transcripts
Affiliate Marketing Masterclass Transcripts Image

TWO PLR Set Up Training Webinars

Ultimate PLR Set Up Webinar

Affiliate Marketing Masterclass Video Image

Ultimate PLR Profit Opportunities Webinar

Affiliate Marketing Masterclass Video Image

PLR Bonus Content Resell Rights Zaxaa Affiliate Network Video Course 20 Additional Videos With Marketing and Sales Pages

Affiliate Marketing Masterclass Bundle

Everything You Can Do With This Package (Rights Defined)

All You Can Do To Build Value With Your Purchase

  • CERTAINLY, You can and should use the course for your own business!
  • You’ll Make Out Like A Bandit If You Sell It in Dime Sale Events…Go For It!
  • Be Adventurous…Change It Into a Physical Product and Sell It Offline or At a Seminar
  • Take Charge, put your name on it as the author
  • Don’t’s flexible, so you can change stuff to make it fit your individual business
  • While you’re at it, if you need to change it into a book, a long video or long audio; be my guest; they call that repurposing these days.
  • I’m all for getting more money, so combine it with another product and sell it at a higher price
  • Live that “affiliate lifestyle”, use this product as a bonus for your affiliate offer (videos only)
  • Bonuses make products HOT, so use this as a bonus on your launch
  • I could say more, but check out the certificate inside!

All That Will Devalue Your Purchase

  • You Cannot Sell To Your Customer With Private Label Rights
  • You Cannot Sell to Your Customer With Giveaway Rights
  • You Cannot Sell to Your Customer With Master Resell Rights
  • You Cannot Sell Resell Rights to Your Customer
  • You Cannot Place This on Your YouTube Channel Publicly (You can do so Unlisted)
  • You Cannot Place This in a Free Membership Site
  • You Cannot Place This Inside of a PLR Membership To Give Any Kind of Rights (You can give personal use rights)
  • You Cannot Give the Graphics away when you use the product as a bonus (videos only)
  • Bonuses make products HOT, so use this as a bonus on your launch
  • I could say more, but check out the certificate inside!

What Affiliate Marketing Masterclass Video PLR Videos Package Bonuses Can I choose From?

The Art of Stress Management PLR Sales Funnel Review

The Art of Stress Management PLR Sales Funnel Review

Product Name:  The Art of Stress Management PLR Sales Funnel

Author:  Sajan Elanthor & Justin Opay

My Honest The Art of Stress Management PLR Sales Funnel Review and You Get To Choose Your Bonuses.

The Art of Stress Management PLR Sales Funnel Reivew

What is The Art of Stress Management PLR Sales Funnel?

So many people want to know how they can reduce their stress and keep it under control…

But they do not know the right methods to use for effective stress management…

They have tried different ways to reduce their stress before and have given up because they didn’t know what they were doing…

Now you can show them EXACTLY what they need to do with – The Art Of Stress Management: Eliminate Stress And Live A Happy And Healthy Life

There is huge demand for the highest quality stress management information and guidance and with this high-quality PLR package you can take full advantage of this. You deserve to take your online business to the next level by providing so many people with the information that they desperately need.

Now you can do this very easily. Your customers will be delighted when they learn how they can effectively manage their stress and live life on their terms!

Here’s a glimpse of what this course covers:

  • The 5 critical reasons why you need to reduce your stress and keep it under control right now!
  • 12 major benefits of effective stress management that you can use to inspire you to take action – you will be chomping at the bit to get started when you read these!
  • 6 common stress triggers and how you can identify yours so that you can reduce your stress effectively and be happy and healthy!
  • The essential thing that you MUST do to ensure that your stress management will be effective and long lasting!
  • 3 crucial mindset changes that you need to make and how you can do this in the easiest and fastest way!
  • 10 proven ways to determine if your stress levels are too high – this is vital information that you must use!
  • 6 simple but powerful brain hacks that you need to implement to ensure that you will be able to reduce your stress and keep it under control forever!
  • The most powerful stress management tool that you must use every day – this is so simple but so effective!
  • 9 proven stress management tools that you need to use every day to ensure that you never suffer from high levels of stress again!
  • 8 life-changing best practices that you must follow so that you can implement the most effective stress management techniques and live the life that you want!


The Art Of Stress Management

Eliminate Stress And Live A Happy And Healthy Life High-Quality PLR Package

The Art of Stress Management Bundle

The Art Of Stress Management: Eliminate Stress And Live A Happy And Healthy Life

is the “ULTIMATE” guide for learning how to reduce your stress and keep it under control to live life on your terms. In the guide it explains why you must manage your stress.

You will learn the major benefits of stress management which will inspire you to take action and get started right away. Understand that stress doesn’t just happen and that there are triggers which will start a stress cycle for you. Learn how to identify these triggers in the guide.

The guide reveals why it is crucial that you adopt the right mindset for stress management and shows you how to do this. You will also learn how to check if your stress levels are too high right now so that you can take the appropriate action.

Effective stress management requires that you take control of your brain. The guide shows you exactly how to do this. Meditation is one of the easiest and most effective ways to manage your stress and you will discover in the guide how you can take advantage of this.

You need to create a new daily routine that is focused on managing your stress. The guide explains what you need to do in the mornings and the rest of your day so that you can minimize your stress. 

The guide provides you with 8 life-changing best practices that you need to follow in order to implement proven stress management techniques that will reduce your stress and keep it under control. You will get the best results in the fastest possible time if you follow these best practices.

Inside, You Get Everything You Need To Make Money Right Away…

MODULE 1: High Quality Guide

The Art of Stress Management Ebook

The Art of Stress Management Ebook is a unique and completely updated 10,000 + words Training Guide. it’s up-to-date, informative, and includes the most useful, cutting edge information on The Art of Stress Management.
You can rest assured knowing that this eBook was written by a fluent, native U.S. writer who holds a Certified English Degree, and was chosen based on industry expertise. 

VALUE: $650.00

What’s Inlcuded Inside?

The latest and most up-to-date information.

Over 10,000 words, 100% brand new and unique.!

100% DFY Funnel will be given to you in Text,PDF and word format so you can edit it however you like.

Professionally and beautifully formatted and styled.

You’ll probably enjoy the information quite a bit yourself.

Here’s A Sneak Peek Of What’s Inside Of The Art of Stress Management Training Guide…

As you can see, the training guide is a high-end report filled with useful instructions, excellent advice and up-to-date information.

If you look on Amazon and Click bank, The Art of Stress Management is one of the most IN DEMAND topics… 

When you put this in front of the right audience, they will not only buy, but thank you for giving them an amazing resource to online success… 

Heck, even beyond selling this course, you will likely get a few things out of it yourself… 

The Art of Stress Management Training Guide

Attractive Chapters and Sub-Chapters Images Included!

The Art of Stress Management Headings



MODULE 2: Cheat Sheet

The Art of Stress Management Cheatsheet

The CHEAT SHEET is an excellent tool for your customers. It simply and effectively breaks down each and every aspect of the training for them into easily actionable steps.

This will allow them to more quickly master the process.

This will help to keep your customers happy, which keeps you happy as well. This is a free bonus which makes the whole offer more enticing.

VALUE: $97.00


MODULE 3: Mind Map

The Art of Stress Management Mindmap

This MIND MAP outlines everything your customers are going to be learning throughout the training.

It’ll show them the steps and make it easy to follow along with as they’re going through each part, in order to allow them to absorb everything more smoothly. 

VALUE: $97.00


MODULE 4: Resource Report

The Art of Stress Management Resources

Here you will have access to a complete niche research report showing you the best tools, training, blogs, forums, and infographics.

Just start sending traffic right to it, and kick back and relax, as the sales roll in.

VALUE: $97.00


MODULE 5: Ready Made Sales Letter & Thank You Page

The Art of Stress Management Sales Page Thankyou Page

We hired a top notch copywriter to create an amazingly high converting sales page for this funnel. This is a sales page which was written strictly for conversions, meaning you don’t have to even think about writing sales copy on your own, or pay a Professional Copywriter $1,000’s to do it.

VALUE: $350.00


MODULE 6: Hypnotic Sales Video Promo

To make promoting your front end offer and making sales even easier, we’re giving you 2 videos to choose from.

Professionally created normal sales video.

These videos have been carefully crafted using the ‘hypnotic’ copywriting formula that will ENGAGE your visitors and skyrocket the overall sales conversions.

VALUE: $250.00

What’s Included Inside?


MODULE 7: Legal Pages

The Art of Stress Management Legal Pages

You are going to need a professional looking minisite if you want your customers to take you seriously.

I’ve hired one of the best designers to make this website look like a million bucks!



MODULE 8: Full Set of Professionally Designed Graphics

The Art of Stress Management Graphics

You’re going to get the complete set of professionally designed graphics, including any CD/DVD covers, artwork necessary to sell the product, and a whole lot more.

This will make the training more presentable, and much easier to sell. You’ll be given the image files in PSD format, so you’ll be able to edit them however you want, and make them all your own.

Add any logos or images you want to any or all of them.

You’ll also get PNG files as well, so you can upload them as is, you choose to do that instead.



MODULE 9: 10 High Quality & Unique Article

The Art of Stress Management Articles

Getting articles of this type from a ghostwriter would cost $25 per article or more, but here you can have it for free.

These articles are 100% unique around the subject for multiple uses.

​Use the articles to create scripts for Email videos.

Use them in your autoresponder series.

Re-word them for website content. 

​Each article is at least 500 words in length. 

​Private label rights included.

Getting articles of this type from a ghostwriter would cost $25 per article or more, but here you can have it for free.



MODULE 10: Stunning, Professionally-designed Banners

The Art of Stress Management Banners

Designed by a Professional Graphic Designer, they’re stunning, professional-looking, and will help you to generate traffic right away.

Designed by a Professional Graphic Designer, they’re stunning, professional-looking, and will help you to generate traffic right away.

Why waste time and money creating your own banner ads, when we can just hand some excellent ones right to you?

VALUE: $150.00


MODULE 11: 5 High Converting Promotional Email Swipes

The Art of Stress Management Email Swipes

If your customers don’t buy your product initially, that doesn’t mean you’re out of luck… increase your dollars per customer substantially with this 5 professionally written email follow-up sequence!

Simply choose your choice of email swipe, pick a subject line, paste it all to your autoresponder and you’re done! 

VALUE: $150.00


MODULE 12: 10 High Quality eCovers

The Art of Stress Management Ecovers

eCovers really bring a digital product to life. It’s proven that having high-quality, life-like eCovers for your digital products increase buyer confidence and conversions.

That’s why we’re going to include 10 beautifully designed eCovers that you can use in any way you wish.

If you hired a designer to create beautiful eCovers like this, you could easily find yourself spending hundreds of dollars… Today, you can get them at no additional cost when you grab this DFY Funnel package… 

VALUE: $370.00


MODULE 13: Social Media Images Pack

Social Media Images

This Gets Engagement And Will Lead To Opt-Ins And Ultimately Sales. 

With facebook, internet, and the other social media sites getting bigger and bigger, the opportunity to engage with your audience and drive traffic is huge.

Take any of these social media images, upload them to facebook
or internet marketing and watch the traffic roll in. 

VALUE: $375.00


MODULE 14: License Pack

And of course, you’ll get the private label rights, licenses for all the above modules.



The Reasons Why You Need To Grab The The Art of Stress Management PLR Sales Funnel Right Now!

  • You get the highest-quality content that answers all of the questions that people have about The Art of Stress Management
  • The guide was written by experts who are passionate about providing value
  • The Art of Stress Management is a huge niche that will always be in demand
  • You get everything you need in the package to start making money today
  • With the PLR rights you can easily edit the content and make it your own
  • The Art of Stress Management is going to be one of our best high-quality PLR package launches yet! So, grab this amazing top-quality PLR package right now so that you can make significant profits with it!
  • Forget about all of the headaches involved in creating your own
  • The Art of Stress Management product – we have done it all for you…

What The Art of Stress Management PLR Sales Funnel Bonuses Can I choose From?

Top 10 Kitchen Equipment PLR Reviews

Top 10 Kitchen Equipment PLR Reviews

Product Name: Top 10 Kitchen Equipment PLR Reviews

Author:  Sharon Lai

My Honest Top 10 Kitchen Equipment PLR Reviews and You Get To Choose Your Bonuses.

Top 10 Kitchen Equipment PLR Reviews

It’s no wonder people have a hard time seeing any consistent results in this lucrative niche on Amazon.

  • First, you’ve got to find the best-selling products, the ones that people are raving about and are looking to buy.
  • Then you’ve got to continuously write reviews on said best-selling products.
  • You never know if these reviews are going to convert them into buyers and will be the key to higher sales conversions.
  • It takes time, skill and the ability to write unbiased reviews to have visitors believe you have their best interest at heart
  • Getting the reviews done can be time consuming and costly to your business.

So If You’re Stuck Trying to Get Amazon Associate Program To Work For You And Wondering What the Magic Ingredient Is Then Look No Further…

We have the solution for you!

1. We have uncovered the 10 Top Rated Winning Products that will help you Unlock Better Sales Conversions as an Amazon Associate.

2. For each product, you will receive a Professionally Well- Written and more importantly, Well-Researched reviews.

But that’s not all…

We’re also throwing many other cool conversion boosting sales materials as well. Please check below for more details.

…Yes, we did all the hard work for you!


Top 10 Kitchen Equipment PLR Reviews

Top 10 Kitchen Equipment Combo

Here’s What You Will Receive Today:

Module #1: 10 Professionally Written Product Reviews In The

Kitchen Equipment Category

(Minimum 500+ Words Each)

Kitchen Equipment 10 Professionally Written Product Reviews

Everyone knows product review articles should weigh the pros and cons, while being short enough for the consumer to read the article quickly and still get the information they were looking for.

We’ve had our writers comb through the top 1-10 products in the Kitchen Equipment Category to ensure you get high quality reviews promoting some of the most popular products!

Here’s A Sample Product Review:

Kitchen Equipment Sample Product Review

Module #2: Ready-Made Amazon Product Links (DOCX, PDF, TXT)

Kitchen Equipment Ready Made Amazon Product Links

Skip the hard work because we did for you. We’ve compiled all the amazon links to the 10 product reviews for your easy reference in case you wish to personalize the content.

This is going to be very handy if you wish to pick up some more information from these pages.

Module #3: 10 Ready-Made Pictures To Add Next To Your Product Reviews

Kitchen Equipment 10 Ready Made Pictures

The quality of a product image is very important. It can make the difference between a person browsing and buying.

We have collected the best image for you that will represent the product in the best light possible to grab the person’s attention.

Module #4: 30 Top Rated Testimonials From Real Amazon Customers

(Hand-Selected By Our Team – 3 Per Product)

Kitchen Equipment 30 Top Rated Testimonials

We all know that testimonial helps to establish trust and credibility. We’ve chosen the 3 best testimonials for you to add with the review article, to convert your prospects into buyers and to even convince the ‘tough sell’ visitors that the product is worth buying.

That’s a total of 30 hand-selected testimonials you’ll receive.

Module #5: 10 Professionally-Produced Video Infomercials

Kitchen Equipment 10 Professionally Produced Video

Each video will encapsulate the product and increase your ability to grab your viewers’ attention but, also short enough to keep them moving along to purchase the products through your link!

These videos can easily be injected into your articles to enhance your reviews, your professionalism and become the attention-grabbing engagement enhancer your competitors are lacking!

These videos are text over animation infomercials, so no need to worry about shoddy voice overs that make your viewers cringe!

We’ve put this collection together, for you, so all the leg work is done. Just take-a-look below at a couple of samples of the work…

Sample Video Preview:

Module #6: 10 Professionally-Recorded Voice Over MP3 Files

Kitchen Equipment 10 Professionally Recorded Voice Over MP3 Files

You’ll also receive all the mp3 audio files of the report in case you wish to use these separately for your blog or podcast. The choice is yours!

Module #7: 10 Presentation Slides

Kitchen Equipment 10 Presentation Slides

You’ll receive all the editable pptx files so that you can edit and rebrand the content according to your needs.

As you can see, we’ve made this a slam dunk to help you achieve better results with professionally produced review material.

How Can You Use These Product Reviews?

You have Private Label Rights to this product, so you can alter the material in any way you wish.

  • You could easily brand these reviews to your liking
  • Create review sites with them
  • Post the article or part of the article on Social Media to attract readers and get more engagement.
  • Turn the review articles into videos and post them on social media.
  • Make lead magnets out of them
  • Turn them into an email newsletter series
  • …and so much more!

Quite honestly, if the only thing that is holding you back from generating more revenue from your Amazon Associates account is your inability to create excellent reviews…

What Top 10 Kitchen Equipment PLR Reviews Bonuses Can I choose From?

Sedentary Lifestyle and Sitting Disease Premium PLR Package Review

Sedentary Lifestyle and Sitting Disease Premium PLR Package Review

Product Name:  Sedentary Lifestyle and Sitting Disease Premium PLR Package

Author:  Geoff & Susie O’Dea

My Honest Sedentary Lifestyle and Sitting Disease Premium PLR Package Review and You Get To Choose Your Bonuses.

Sedentary Lifestyle and Sitting Disease Premium PLR Package Reivew

What is Sedentary Lifestyle and Sitting Disease Premium PLR Package ?

This Sedentary Lifestyle PLR package will help you teach your customers how sedentary behaviors and sitting too much, (the new sitting disease) can affect their quality of life and longevity! Inactivity is a silent killer, so your customers need to be aware of the risks and know how to prevent or reverse them. This high-quality PLR content is ready for you to edit and brand as your own!


Sedentary Lifestyle and Sitting Disease Premium PLR Package

Sedentary Lifestyle PLR and Sitting Disease PLR Content

Here is What’s Inside The Sedentary Lifestyle and Sitting Disease Premium PLR Package:

Sedentary Lifestyle PLR


Sitting Disease – 2,322 words, 14 pages. The report is formatted and includes a table of contents with easy to click hyperlinked pages, disclaimer, introduction, and conclusion. The report is illustrated with royalty-free, commercial use images. Word and PDF formats supplied.

Report & eBook Cover Graphics

Professionally created. Eye-catching eCovers in four different styles to suit your own requirements. Provided in both JPG and PNG high quality formats. Plus you get the PSD files to edit and brand as your own.

Report Squeeze & Download Pages

You will receive an HTML squeeze page (or optin page) and download page, designed to build your list. Simply add your optin code, make the necessary changes and upload to your server. Instructions are included.

CTA Graphic

This call-to-action graphic will catch your website visitor’s attention, and have them sign up to receive their free gift, which is the report in this offer. You can place this graphic anywhere you like. Link it to your optin page and watch your customer base grow.

Autoresponder Email Series

Five emails ready for you to copy and paste into your autoresponder. You can build a trusting relationship with your subscribers without having to think what to write.

Each email has a prompt, advising you to add your call-to-action. So you won’t forget to make each email a valuable send. Provided in Word Doc and Text file formats.

10 Articles – Written and Audio Formats

10 high quality articles. Professionally researched, written and edited. Each article is provided in Text File and Word Doc formats, plus an audio MP3 file provided in both male and female voices.


Sedentary Lifestyle – 8,772 words, 49 pages. For those who love eBooks, we have created an eBook for you from the articles in this pack. Word and PDF formats supplied.

The eBook is formatted and includes a table of contents with easy to click hyperlinked pages, disclaimer, introduction, and conclusion.

Illustrated with our designed social posters, which are royalty-free, commercial use images.

eBook Sales Page & Download Page

You will receive an HTML sales page and download page so that you can easily sell your eBook to your customers. Simply make the necessary changes and upload to your server. Instructions are included.

Workbook and Graphic

You can give the workbook to your customer as a bonus optin gift, a bonus if they buy your eBook, or whatever you want to use it for!

You will also receive a cover graphic, plus the PSD file. Workbook provided in both Word doc and PDF formats.

Social Posters

Each poster suits one of the articles in this package. The photographs used are 100% royalty-free, and commercial use licensed. Provided in web-ready JPG and PNG formats, plus the editable PSD files for each poster.

Social Media Posts

These done-for-you posts are ready for you to use and share your content. They will save you heaps of time!


One full-size infographic, which has been created to provide a further 6 infographics. Our infographics are huge! Be seen as an authority in your niche with these professional graphics.

Sitting Disease PLR Report

This Sitting Disease report will help your customers realize why sitting is bad for their health, the signs of sitting disease, and how they can reduce the effects of sitting too much. If becoming sedentary and sitting for too long is not recognized and remedied fast, it can have adverse effects that can even shorten their lifespan. The report has a disclaimer, table of contents, introduction and conclusion. The chapters are hyperlinked, and you will receive the word document for easy editing, or you can use the PDF which is ready to use. Illustrated with royalty-free, commercial use images. 14 pages, 2,322 words.

Sitting Disease PLR Report

Report eCover Graphics

These cover graphics are designed with royalty-free, commercial use images. As you can see they look professional, which will enhance your customer’s perception of your professionalism. You will receive 4 different styles to suit your own personal preference. Available in web-ready JPG and PNG formats, plus the editable PSD file.

Sitting Disease PLR Report eCover Graphics

Sitting Disease PLR Squeeze Page (or Optin Page), Download Page

You will receive the HTML squeeze page (or optin page) and download (or thank you) page. Simply edit the HTML files to add your own website links and your optin form code. Upload the files to your own hosting account and you’re done! There’s no easier way to build your list. Squeeze page instructions are included for your convenience.

Sitting Disease PLR Squeeze Page

Call to Action Graphic

Place this call-to-action graphic anywhere on your website, or social media platforms. Your visitor can click through to your squeeze page and sign up to receive more information from you.

Sitting Disease PLR CTA Graphic

5 Emails – Upload Series to Your Autoresponder

You will receive five emails that are ready for you to copy and paste into your autoresponder. You can use them as an eCourse, or as an autoresponder series. You can send them to your subscribers who optin to your free ‘Sitting Disease‘ report offer. This will enable you to build a trusting relationship with your subscribers. Each email has a little note (a prompt from us), advising you to add your call-to-action. You can link to whatever you want to promote! We give examples for you, so you won’t forget to make each email a valuable send. Word Doc and Text file formats.

Sitting Disease PLR Email Series Autoresponder Emails

Sedentary Lifestyle PLR eBook

The articles in this package have been repurposed to create this ‘Sedentary Lifestyle‘ eBook. All the chapters are the article titles listed below. The eBook has been completely reformatted and includes a disclaimer, table of contents, introduction and conclusion. The chapters are hyperlinked, and you will receive the word document for easy editing, or you can use the PDF which is ready to use. Beautifully formatted and illustrated with our royalty-free, commercial use social posters. 8,772 words, 49 pages.

Sedentary Lifestyle PLR eBook Contents

eBook Covers

These eBook covers are designed with royalty-free, commercial use images. As you can see they look professional, which will enhance your customer’s perception of your professionalism. You will receive 4 different styles to suit your own personal preference. Available in web-ready JPG and PNG formats, plus the editable PSD file.

Sedentary Lifestyle PLR eBook Cover Graphics

Sedentary Lifestyle PLR eBook Sales Page and Download Page

To promote your eBook, you will receive an HTML sales page and download page. Plus, the sales copy is provided in a Word doc, so if you prefer to use WordPress, you can. Instructions are included. Now you can grow your list with your report, build a trusting relationship with your emails, and make sales by selling your eBook! This done-for-you content is ready for you to edit and brand as your own!

Sedentary Lifestyle PLR eBook Sales Page and Download Page

Sedentary Lifestyle PLR Workbook

You can give the workbook to your customer as a surprise bonus optin gift, or a bonus if they buy your eBook, or whatever you want to use it for! You will also receive a workbook cover graphic, plus the PSD file. Workbook provided in both Word Doc and PDF formats.

Sedentary Lifestyle PLR Workbook

Sedentary Lifestyle PLR Articles – Written and Audio

You will also receive the professionally written and edited articles we have used to create the eBook in this offer. Word Docs and Text files supplied.

  1. Sedentary Behavior Affects Your Physical Health – 789
  2. Sedentary Behavior Affects Your Emotional Health – 804
  3. Physical Inactivity, Sedentary Behavior, and Metabolic Syndrome – 733 words
  4. Sedentary Lifestyle Can Slow Down and Affect Your Metabolism – 685 words
  5. Can You Still Lose Weight While Sitting All Day? – 891 words
  6. Exercises and Stretches For Sedentary Seniors – 854 words
  7. Exercises and Stretches For Sedentary Desk Workers – 763
  8. Sedentary Lifestyle Effects on Muscles – 817 words
  9. The Benefits of Moving Your Body Every Day – 754 words
  10. Sedentary Behavior Causes Fatigue and Loss of Energy – 651 words

Audio PLR Articles – Male and Female Voices

You’ll receive an audio file for each article in both male and female voices. You don’t need the voice to be your own… you can simply introduce the ‘speaker’ in the audio as the person reading your content. Start your own podcast or place the audio on your website for those who prefer to listen! Audio articles are provided in MP3 format.

Sedentary Lifestyle PLR Articles Written and Audio

Sedentary Lifestyle PLR Social Posters

Social posters are a real bonus to your business. Why? People love to share gorgeous graphics and that’s what we have created for you. You can post these on your website and share them on your favorite social media platforms. You’ll receive 10 social posters, one for each article in this package, plus you’ll receive the PSD editable files.

Sedentary Lifestyle PLR Social Posters

10 Social Media Posts

Once you have published your articles, share on your favorite social media platforms. You will receive 10 ready-to-use snippets, each one corresponds to one of the articles. They will save you time scheduling and posting your new content!

Sedentary Lifestyle Social Media Posts PLR

Sedentary Lifestyle PLR Infographics

This package also includes one full-size infographic on Sedentary Lifestyle and Sitting Disease which measures 1,000px x 13,300px. That’s HUGE! Therefore we have created it to provide a further 6 infographics. The titles include: Dangers of Sitting All Day – 1,000 x 1,075px, Sitting Disease – Is It A Disease – 1,000 x 890px, Sedentary Lifestyle Health Risks – 1,000 x 3,500px, Prolonged Sitting Risks – 1,000 x 2,680px, Get Moving Now – Benefits of Moving – 1,000 x 1,750px, Ways to Make Movement Easier – 1,000 x 2,900px.

Sedentary Lifestyle PLR Infographics

What Sedentary Lifestyle and Sitting Disease Premium PLR Package Bonuses Can I choose From?

Boost Optimism And Positivity High Quality PLR Bundle Review

Boost Optimism And Positivity High Quality PLR Bundle Review

Product Name:  Boost Optimism And Positivity High Quality PLR Bundle

Author:  JR Lang

My Honest Boost Optimism And Positivity High Quality PLR Bundle Review and You Get To Choose Your Bonuses.

Boost Optimism And Positivity High Quality PLR Bundle Reivew

What is The Boost Optimism And Positivity High Quality PLR Bundle?

Are you tired of low quality PLR that you can never really use? What if you had a product that was timely, very well written and on a very high demand topic that can make you money, educate your audience and one that you can actually use in many different ways?

Look no further, that product is Boost Optimism And Positivity PLR, a huge bundle of quality content that you can edit, brand and profit from in numerous ways AND on topics that get millions of monthly keyword searches in Google!

JR has created an amazing “Done For You” content bundle with a ton of quality content that includes everything you need to dominate the personal development market and the price is amazing for all that you get. And provides you with both educational and promotional materials as well. Go straight to the sales page to see this amazing package, it’s a dimesale, so price rises with every sale…

What Exactly is Included in The Boost Optimism And Positivity High Quality PLR Bundle

Boost Optimism And Positivity Slide 1
Boost Optimism And Positivity Slide 2

How You Can Use This Content

Edit As You Wish
Brand the eBooks & Sell As Your Own
Build Newsletter Lists
Turn It Into Countless Reports
Use It To Promote Existing Sites
Use It To Build New Sites
Turn The Content Into More eBooks
Use It For Use It To Promote Sites
Make Money With Affiliate Programs…

24 Ways To Use This Content

  1. Brand and create your own products
  2. Educate your clients, web visitors and blog subscribers
  3. Establish yourself as an authority in the niche
  4. Build your lists and give elements as bonuses to subscribers
  5. Create webinars
  6. Send the information in newsletters
  7. Monetize with affiliate links and make killer commissions/use on affiliate sites
  8. Use slideshows, videos and PDF files for site promotion on Slideshare, Scrbd, DocStoc etc…
  9. Create webinars
  10. Turn articles into an eBook and sell it or give it away
  11. Create an entire site with all the content or mix it up to create loads of unique content.
  12. Create many unique slideshows to post on your sites and/or use for promotion to get traffic for your sites
  13. Turn the PLR into videos, post on your sites, or for promotion on Vimeo, Youtube, etc.
  14. Convert the PLR to audio
  15. Create podcasts
  16. Create special reports
  17. Use on Facebook and Twitter
  18. Add it to an existing related product
  19. Give reports or eBooks as a bonus when someone makes a purchase with your affiliate link
  20. Create blogs with it
  21. Use infographics to promote sites, on social media and on your sites.
  22. Use it on your sites, create many posts or giant authority posts
  23. Use audio voiceover files to create podcasts, or make more videos
  24. Create an ENTIRE COMPLETE WEBSITE with all the information included

License Details

[YES] Can be edited in any way
[YES] Can be branded and sold ONLY with personal use rights
[YES] Can give away parts for free to lists or as bonuses (with personal use rights)
[YES] Can put your name as the author
[YES] Can be used as eCourse and webinar material
[YES] Can be published on your websites and blogs
[YES] Can be added to membership sites for personal information uses
[YES] Can be packaged with other personal use products
[YES] Can be used on article marketing sites, i.e. Ezine Articles
[YES] Can be translated to other languages
[YES] Post videos to YouTube, video sites and your own sites
[NO] Cannot claim copyright to any of the music files, videos or eBooks (unless ebook is completely rewritten) this is common sense with PLR as multiple users cannot claim copyright
[NO] Cannot sell any of the music files on their own or use them (samples) to create copyrighted work
[NO] Cannot resell the pack in its entirety
[NO] Cannot give, sell or pass any of the Editable Source Files to others
[NO] Cannot use my name as author
[NO] Cannot sell or give away Resale Rights, Master Resale Rights or Private Label Rights
[NO] Cannot be offered on any sites that’s sole purpose is to sell or giveaway PLR/MRR products
[NO] Cannot offer through auction websites with PLR rights, Master Resale Rights Or Resale Rights

What Everybody Falls What Matters Is How You Get Up Massive PLR Bundle Review Bonuses Can I choose From