Long-Term Health Habits PLR Sales Funnel Review

Long-Term Health Habits PLR Sales Funnel Review

Product Name: Long-Term Health Habits PLR Sales Funnel

Author:  Yu Shaun & Cally Lee

My Honest Long-Term Health Habits PLR Sales Funnel Review and You Get To Choose Your Bonuses.

Long Term Health Habits PLR Sales Funnel Review

What is Long-Term Health Habits PLR Sales Funnel Review?

“LONG-TERM HEALTH HABITS” is the ultimate guide for those who want to learn how habit works and the secrets to developing healthy habits that last a lifetime.

In this life-changing blueprint, you will discover everything you need to know about cultivating long-term health habits – Discover how habits are formed, the keys to developing healthy habits and eliminating bad habits, how to create habits that stick for a lifetime, negative habits that you must stop doing, simple success habits that you can start doing today, tips for increasing your productivity… and much more waiting to be uncovered inside!

Ultimately, this is your customers’ go-to blueprint to break the chains of unhealthy habits!

Here’s What You’ll Discover In This Course:

  • Here’s What You’ll Discover In This Course:
  • What habits are and why they are super important.
  • 10 little-known types of habits.
  • How to use the ‘Habit Loop’ to build great habits.
  • 5 steps to help you break bad habits for good.
  • How long does it take to create a new habit? See chapter 3 for the answer.
  • How to build high-performance habits that last.
  • 8 important things to remember when changing habits.
  • How to use punishment and rewards to cement good habits.
  • 8 bad habits that you should drop right now.
  • Why bad habits are easy to get into but difficult to break.
  • Two types of people you should stop spending time with immediately.
  • 10 daily habits that lead to a successful life.
  • 8 healthy habits that are easy to adopt.
  • How to improve your health, relationships, and peace of mind in 23 easy ways.
  • Want to be more productive? Emulate the 6 habits mentioned in Chapter 6.
  • … And so much more waiting to be uncovered inside!


Long-Term Health Habits PLR Sales Funnel

Long Term Health Habits Bundle

“LONG-TERM HEALTH HABITS” is the ultimate blueprint to show you habit works and the secrets to developing healthy habits that last a lifetime.

This transformational blueprint contains everything you need to know about cultivating long-term health habits – Discover how habits are formed, the keys to developing healthy habits and eliminating bad habits, how to create habits that stick for a lifetime, negative habits that you must stop doing, simple success habits that you can start doing today, tips for increasing your productivity… and much more waiting to be uncovered inside!

This system is created with 100% passion and uniqueness that is both Comprehensive & Effective!

Information shared in this powerful system WORKS as long as there are massive execution and consistency.

We’ve condensed all valuable information into a 10,000+ words, 70 pages value-packed book written in a way that is relatable, educational and easy to digest by our readers of any gender or age!

This PLR package is also packed with a full-blown sales funnel plus all the necessary sales material to make your marketing effort to profit close to ZERO.

Simply said, Long-Term Health Habits is an extreme Life Tool that your people will love!

Long-Term Health Habits PLR

Module 1 – Premium Quality Ebook

Long Term Health Habits Book

Long-Term Health Habits is a 100% brand new and unique Ebook that contains the latest and most up-to-date information about habits that is professionally written with real-life experience.

Packed with over 10,000+ words written in thoughtful way that will ‘talk’ to your readers, creating 100% engagement and bring your readers into awe.

Every bit of information has no fluff, but quality content that your people are going to LOVE.

What’s Included?

The latest and most up-to-date information about healthy habits.

10 Powerful Chapters, with over 10,000+ words written by proficient writers.

Full PLR Rights given along with Editable DOC and PDF format so you can freely edit the book however you wish to customize the content to your personal taste

Stunning Chapter Graphics that will keep your readers spellbound.

Fantastic information that you might even like it yourself!

Stunning Chapter Graphics Included!

Long Term Health Habits Chapter Graphics

Up To 10 Chapter Graphics Inside…

Module 2 – Complete Check List

Long Term Health Habits Checklist

This Checklist contains step-by-step guidelines for your end users to reap the most benefits from the book. By simply breaking one huge topic into easy chunks, your users will get absolute clarity with the included easy to follow action steps!

You will provide your customers with tremendous values and they will love you for it!


Module 3 – Comprehensive Mind Map

Long Term Health Habits Mindmap

Perfect for ‘visual’ learners.

This complete mind map outlines everything your customers are going to learn throughout the entire course.

With just a glance, your clients will have a clear picture of what they are going to expect and they will absorb so much more than reading through the book by pages.


Module 4 – High Converting Sales Page & Thank You Page

We’ve done the heavy-lifting for you.

Your ready-made sales page were written by our professional in-house copywriter specialised in driving crazy conversions. So, you have one of the most difficult parts being taken care of.

You can now sell this product right from the get-go!

So, instead of braining for high-converting ideas or spending $1000s on professional copywriter, you can now sell this product from the get-go!

All you need to do is just simply add a BUY button, put your name on it and your sales funnel is good to go!

Just send traffic to it, and the sales will keep rolling in even with your eyes-closed.

Check Out Your Sales Page!

Long Term Health Habits Sales Letter

Module 5 – Hypnotizing Video Sales Letter

To add a finishing touch to your sales letter, we even took one step further to create a hypnotizing Video Sales Letter for you to significantly boost sales!

We know for sure that videos do work.

That’s why we’ve hired the best copywriter and voice over talent to produce this key component so that you can simply upload this video into your website and watch your conversions soar sky-high!

Go ahead and check out a quick sample below:


Module 6 – Exclusive Lead Magnet

Long Term Health Habits Report

In the Health & Wellness niche, giving out Free Offers or Gifts have been proven to increase sales up to 40% and we have prepared the perfect Free Offer as lead magnet / bribe for this specific product.

We understand that what makes a prospect buy from you is TRUST.

By demonstrating tremendous value through our professionally-written lead magnet, your leads are going to trust you more and become more inclined to buy the actual product, which we will recommend in the backend.

What’s Included?

5,000+ word Special Report written by top notch writer.

Contains link to main product at the backend.

DOC and PDF files included for you to edit and customize the book however you want.


Module 7 – Professional Landing Page

On top of your lead magnet, We even built the Landing Page for you!

Your opt-in page is professionally done and high-converting.

We put in a lot of effort in this so that all you need to do is simply plug-in and profit!

Here’s a Sneak Preview:

Long Term Health Habits Landing Page

Module 8 – Follow-up Email Series

Now that you’ve got the lead magnet and opt-in page ready, you are all set to build your list and even start making sales!

But we’re not gonna stop there…

Because we understand that preparing follow-up emails are essential to build your customers’ trust can be quite a hassle for most, and figuring out high-converting ideas can really crack your head.

So, why not we prepare the high-converting e-mail swipes for you!

All you need to do is just plug them into your Autoresponder and start growing a QUALITY list that converts!

Long Term Health Habits Emails

Module 9 – Stunning, Professional-looking Graphics

We’re giving you all the beautiful, high-quality graphics that were designed by Professional Graphic Designers to have full customization capability.

You’ll have full access to the entire graphics vault!

Which Includes:

eCovers: eBook, Box, CD, DVD, Report and Bundles

Banner Ads: sizes 350×250, 250×250, 120×300, 160×600, 728×90

Comes with PNG/JPG and PSD files

Why waste away so much time on creating banner ads, e-covers, chapters graphics, when you can just grab some outstanding ones from us?

Long Term Health Habits Banners
Long Term Health Habits Graphics Pack

Module 10 – License Certificates

On top of the given Full Private Label Rights, you will also receive Resell Rights and Master Resell Rights license certificates if you choose to sell away the rights of this product to your customers!

Brilliant Ways To use Use This PLR:

  • Private Label Rights included to all modules
  • Package may be resold. Suggested resell price: $17.00
  • Use it for PERSONAL USE and gain tremendous value from it
  • Put your name on it and be the AUTHOR – Great way to Brand yourself as an Expert
  • Give Away as BONUS when customers buy through your affiliate link
  • Use it as a LEAD MAGNET to grow your list
  • Use as an upsell package for your existing product funnel
  • Repurpose into physical product
  • Upload the product to your Membership Site and charge a monthly fee
  • Breakdown the content for your Social Media Posts
  • Use the product for your Webinar Course
  • Translate the content into different languages
  • Create podcast episodes
  • Can sell standalone/personal use rights
  • Can sell resell rights
  • Can sell master resell rights

To protect the value of this Premium Package…

  • Cannot resell Private Label Rights
  • Entire package cannot be given away for free
  • Entire package cannot be added to a free or PLR membership site

What Long Term Health Habits PLR Sales Funnel Bonuses Can I choose From?

Make Money With PLR High Quality PLR Content Package Review

Make Money With PLR High Quality PLR Content Package Review

Product Name: Make Money With PLR High Quality PLR Content Package

Author:  Liz Tomey

My Honest Make Money With PLR High Quality PLR Content Package Review and You Get To Choose Your Bonuses.

Make Money With PLR High Quality PLR Content Package Review

What is The Make Money With PLR High Quality PLR Content Package ?

If you’ve found this page, then you already know that the “make money online” niche is a super-hot niche! And now more than ever, with so many people out of work and looking for ways to make money online you can be a super hero to thousands upon thousands of people by providing them with the information they NEED to be able to succeed!

I’ve come back into the PLR world to provide YOU with done for you killer content with private label rights for this niche on a ton of different topics so that you can not only help these people that need it so badly, but also be able to profit by helping them too!

When you get the PLR (private label rights) to this done for you content package, you’ll be able to use it in many ways to make money with this niche without all of the headache and time consuming work of creating the content yourself!

You can…

Create a blog and use the content on your blog. Monetize the content with your affiliate links and make money!

Use the content to get traffic from your social media profiles. You can send that traffic to anything you want!

Build a list and build a relationship with that list so you can actually get them to open your emails and buy from you!

Create a YouTube channel with the content and use it to grab all that traffic from YouTube!

Be seen as an expert in the make money online niche and having people coming to you to learn what they are dying to know to succeed!

Use the content to create your “freebie” to give away to build your list quickly and easily!

I could go on and on here, but I’m sure by now you just want to see what I’ve packed into this PLR package, so let’s get right to it…

The Make Money With PLR Content Package

Make Money With PLR High Quality PLR Content Package

I’ve created this package for any marketer, coach, influencer, blogger etc. that’s in the make money online niche to allow you to profit and market with it in any way you choose! Here’s exactly what you’ll find inside…

Monetized Lead Magnet

Make Money With PLR Monetized Lead Magnet

This isn’t just any lead magnet. This is a fully monetized lead magnet that you can use to build your list, and make money with it because you can monetize it with your affiliate links.

I have added in “promotional blurbs” within this lead magnet that you can insert your affiliate links into, and make money when your reader buys through your link.

Of course you can use the lead magnet in any other way you want to, including removing any promotional blurbs you don’t want to use.

This lead magnet was created as a 31 page report (11,764 words) and I created it by combining all the articles in this package along with an introduction and a “wrap up” section to make it a report instead of just a bunch of articles put together. This is a very information report that will educated the reader about all the ways to make money with PLR in one easy to read guide!

10 Content Pieces In Multiple Formats

Make Money With PLR 10 Content Pieces In Multiple Formats

I researched and found the hottest topics related to making money with PLR to talk about and then created a 1,000 word+ piece of content for each topic. Here are the topics along with page and word counts of each piece of content…

Private Label Rights (PLR) Content Fully Explained (1043 Words) (3 pages)

How To Make Money With Every PLR Package You Buy! (1408 Words) (4 pages)

The Step By Step System To Making Money With Reseller PLR! (1030 Words) (3 pages)

How To Make Money With PLR As A Blogger (1136 Words) (3 pages)

How To Make Money Creating And Selling PLR Content (1037 Words) (3 pages)

How To Cash In On Low Content Products Using PLR Content (1109 Words) (3 pages)

Create And Profit From Your Own YouTube Channel Using PLR Content (1154 Words) (3 pages)

7 Tactics Affiliate Marketers Can Use To Make Money With PLR Content (1028 Words) (3 pages)

Create Your Own Hot Selling Products With PLR Content (1086 Words) (3 pages)

Create Your Coloring Book Empire With PLR Content (1085 Words) (3 pages)

You will get all 10 content pieces in both Word and Txt format!

10 Content Announcement Emails

Make Money With PLR 10 Content Announcement Emails

If you have an email list (or plans for one in the future) you’re going to need content for that list. So, I created an email for each of the pieces of content from above that you can use to get your list in front of your content!

All you need to do is add your name to the emails, the link to your content, make any changes that you want (no editing needed if you don’t want to edit), and you can either send it out to your list or even add it to your autoresponder messages.

You could use these emails as an automated system to put all of this content in front of every person that gets on your list!

10 Social Media Images X 3 Platforms

Make Money With PLR 10 Social Media Images X 3 Platforms

I took the 10 content pieces from above and took a “blurb” from each piece and created an image for it for Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest.

You can take these images, add your own branding to them, and post them to social media to bring traffic to the content or anything else you want to bring traffic to.

You can also use them in any other way you want such as images for your blog/website, images for emails, etc. 

You’ll get 1 social media image per mentioned social platform for a total of 30 images!

Don’t worry if you don’t know how to edit or use these images. I’ve even added a bonus workshop that will show you exactly how to brand these 

10 Content Videos

Make Money With PLR 10 Content Videos

People love videos, and they’re going to LOVE these content filled videos.

I took each of the articles and turned each one of them into a content video for you, so that you can use in many different ways. 

You can take these, add your branding, add your affiliate links, or anything else you want to do with them.

Then use them as content for your YouTube channel or content for your blog, or even content for your various social media channels.

You’ll be provided with the videos in mp4 format which can be edited in just about any video editing software or app you want to use.

Don’t worry… In my big surprise bonus below, you’ll see that I’ll be teaching you all kinds of cool things to do with these videos!

10 Content Audios

Make Money With PLR 10 Content Audios

Create your own visual videos and add these audios to them.

I’ve also taken each of the articles in this package and turned them into audio files for you. You can use these in many ways like…

Use them as part of a podcast.

Use them to create an audio playlist that you give away or charge for.

use them as an audio product or as an add on to any product.

… and so many more ways.

You’ll get the individual audio files for each of the articles in this package to use just about any way that you want to.

I’m Going To Give You The Content And Show You How To Profit With It Too!

The PLR Profits Coach Live How To Workshop

As you can see that’s a lot of content in this package on a hot topic in one of the hottest niches (make money online) and there are many ways that you can use this content too!

But, to make this package even better I want to give you a massive bonus to help you with actually USING this content.

You see, besides creating PLR content I also teach online marketers how to use and profit from PLR content of all types, and I want to give you access to a LIVE online workshop where I’ll be showing you how to use every piece of the content in this package in multiple ways to market your business and even make money with it!

Here’s what you’re going to get…

The PLR Profits Coach Live How To Workshop 

In this live workshop I’ll layout your options for using all of this content and show you exactly how to create a plan to use it all. Everything starts with a plan, so I want to make sure you have a clear plan depending on your business.

We will also cover…

How to use the content to build your list.

How to use the content to get traffic in multiple ways.

How to use the content to make money as an affiliate marketer.

How to use the content to create your own products.

And so much more!

Anything and everything you want to know about using this PLR package will be covered in this workshop and you can even ask me questions as we go along or send in your questions and I’ll answer them if you can’t attend!

And not only that… Once this workshop is complete, you’ll also get the private label rights to it too! You can take the content and use it in any way that you would like with the exception of using my name and/or passing on any rights to the content. 

So, not only are you going to get a massive PLR package crammed full of amazing content for a hot profit niche, but you’re also going to get a LIVE workshop with me (recordings of the workshop will be available if you can’t attend live) showing you exactly how to use it all in your marketing and other ways to profit with it, AND you’re going to get PLR to that workshop too!

At this point though you might be thinking…

Wow! This lady is really bringing it, but who is she and why should I buy from her?

That’s a great question… Let me answer it for you!

Frequently Asked Questions:

Is All Of The Content Original Content?

Yes! Every single piece of content has been created from scratch by me (Liz Tomey) personally. I don’t hire anyone to create the content for my PLR packages so I know every single thing that’s in this package is 100% original and created with the highest level of quality!

Are There Any Upsells?

Yes! There is one upsell to get additional training from me on using PLR content in your marketing and in your business to make money. It is not required and you don’t need it if you don’t want to learn more about using and profiting from PLR content.

Is There A Money Back Guarantee? 

No! I know this content is of the highest quality. I do not offer refunds on any of my PLR content.

What Are The Rights For This Content?

Depending on what license you decide to get will depend on your rights. The rights for both licenses I offer are all listed above the order button.

How Can I Contact You With More Questions?

Feel free to ask me any questions you have about what I’m covering in this workshop by contacting me at LizLive.com

What Make Money With PLR High Quality PLR Content Package Review Bonuses Can I choose From?

Goodbye Addiction PLR Sales Funnel Review

Goodbye Addiction PLR Sales Funnel Review

Product Name: Goodbye Addiction PLR Sales Funnel

Author:  Firelaunchers

My Honest Goodbye Addiction PLR Sales Funnel Review and You Get To Choose Your Bonuses.

Goodbye Addiction PLR Sales Funnel Review

What is The Goodbye Addiction PLR Sales Funnel?

Goodbye Addiction PLR – Improve Your Physical and Mental Health By Learning All The Secrets Of Goodbye Addiction!! A comprehensive guide that will help your audience to learn how to ensure sobriety and attain a more enriching lifestyle…

In other words, this is your ticket to get yourself on the path of Success, Profits, and Long-term Customers … We provide expertise for you… SO YOU DON’T HAVE TO!

This Is A Shortcut To Take Out All The Hard Work And Have Your Very Own Product Ready To Sell And Build Your List In A Matter Of Minutes! Both Online and Offline Marketers Can Make a Killing Using this Miraculous Info product!


Goodbye Addiction with Private Label Rights

Improve Your Physical and Mental Health By Learning All The Secrets Of Goodbye Addiction!!

Goodbye Addiction Bundle

A comprehensive guide that will help your audience to learn how to ensure sobriety and attain a more enriching lifestyle…

In other words, this is your ticket to get yourself on the path of Success, Profits, and Long-term Customers …

We provide expertise for you… SO YOU DON’T HAVE TO!

This Is A Shortcut To Take Out All The Hard Work And Have Your Very Own Product Ready To Sell And Build Your List In A Matter Of Minutes!

Both Online and Offline Marketers Can Make a Killing Using this Miraculous Info product!

This course covers:

  • Explore the overview of addiction.
  • Identifying the signs, and symptoms.
  • Discovering the underlying cause of person’s addiction.
  • Find out the types of addiction – Substance and Behavioral.
  • What are the trigger points?
  • Determine the impact of substance abuse.
  • Is social media as addictive as drugs?
  • Methods to repair the damage done.
  • How does addiction affect the brain?
  • How to rebuild yourself to overcome addiction?
  • Explore rehabilitation process.
  • Know about the aftercare of a recover addict.
  • Role of closed ones in recovery
  • Why teens are more susceptible to addiction?
  • How to deal with the effects of the withdrawal syndrome?
  • And so much more…

Module 1 : Premier Guide on Goodbye Addiction… A Resource for Marketers!

This guide contains excellent tips and techniques to defeat your addiction for a healthy life based on extensive research and advice from the experts in the industry to enable you to deliver massive value and get high-paying, long-term customers.

Written by professionals with over 11000+ words, here’s what we are going to provide in this 110+ pages premier training guide:

Goodbye Addiction Training Guide
Goodbye Addiction Training Guide 2

Module 2 : Well Designed Sales Page Copy

This professional sales page copy can get huge sales rolling in as part of your front-end sales drive.

Goodbye Addiction Copy

Module 3 : Customer Sales Video

We are providing two types of videos with this package.

1. Updated Doodle Style Video

2. Engaging White-Board Video

Both will help you to drive traffic and improve your sales conversions. That is the reason we are giving you these videos as a part of the front-end offer to boost your sales to the next level.

Module 4 : Professionally Designed Graphics

We will provide you with a complete set of professionally designed graphics for selling the product. It will include necessary artwork to sell the product and make it more convincing; you’ll be able to edit these graphics at your own convenience. Hence, we will provide the images in both PSD format and PNG format.

Professionally Designed Graphics

Module 5 : Animated Banners

Why create banners yourself when our team is working hard to make it easy for you. Yes, we are also providing you with superbly designed animated banners that will drive traffic and convert it into sales instantly.

Goodbye Addiction Animated Banners

Module 6 : Professionally created expert Email Templates

In this module, we are providing you with professionally written email swipes that will substantially leverage your sales and profits. You can always choose any one of them, pick a subject line, and send it to persuade further.

Goodbye Addiction Email

Module 7 : Professional Minisites

What more can you ask for…and we have already done that for you. Yes, we have professionally designed the Sales Pages for you to just use them for your sales funnel. You do not have to invest your time and energy in hiring professionals or writing on your own. These templates are ready to use to improvise your sales.

Goodbye Addiction Professional Minisites

Module 8 : Legal Pages

In this module, we are providing you with 4 legal pages, namely Anti-Spam policy, Earning Disclaimer, Privacy Policy, Terms, and Conditions. You can edit or modify it based on your company’s privacy policies and legal terms.

Goodbye Addiction Legal Page

Module 9 : Social Media Graphics

We are also providing a set of High-Quality graphics which can be uploaded on any social media platform for ease of use like banners, post images, or any other similar use. This would be helpful for you to market your product on various social media platforms and save you a lot of bucks and time.

Goodbye Addiction Social Media Graphics

Module 10 : PDF Graphics

In this module, we are offering editable graphics for every topic which is covered in this course i.e., the Training Guide. With the power of these High-Quality graphics, you can lure more customers and show the potential of this product.

Goodbye Addiction PDF Graphics

Module 11 : 10 Unique Articles Bundled into One

Goodbye Addiction Articles

In this module, we are offering 10 unique articles related to Goodbye addiction approaches in your life!!

Article 1 – Beat your social media addiction.
Article 2 – Breaking down myths surrounding alcohol addiction.
Article 3 – Danger of “Nodding out on heroin and opiates”.
Article 4 – Hacks that can get you out of social media addiction.
Article 5 – Helpful advice to help manage an action and overcome addiction.
Article 6 – How to support your willpower?
Article 7 – How yoga and meditation helps substance abuse recovery?
Article 8 – Is gaming more beneficial or harmful to the brain?
Article 9 – Online Support Groups idea for people with screen addiction issues.
Article 10 – The connection between mental health and gambling.

(Both in Word and Text Format)

Bonus 1: Cheat Sheet

This cheat sheet is a practical tool that will guide your customers with easy-to-follow steps of the whole training. Each and every aspect of the guide is broken down into easy and executable steps that will help customers master the process and keep the entire process at their fingertips. It makes the entire package more lucrative.

Goodbye Addiction Cheat Sheet
Goodbye Addiction Cheat Sheet 1

Bonus 2: Mind Map

Mind Maps will be a broad outline of the entire training program. With this handy tool, the customers will have a comprehensive understanding of the complete process, and they will absorb the contents easily.

Goodbye Addiction Mind Map
Goodbye Addiction Mind Map 1

Bonus 3: Top Resources Report

This is a comprehensive Research Report on the subject of the Goodbye Addiction, which includes- Videos, Tools, Training courses, Forums, Infographics, and Facts.

Goodbye Addiction Top Resources Report
Goodbye Addiction Top Resources Report 1

What A Goodbye Addiction Can Do For You

You can bundle it with other products.
You can offer it as a bonus to your existing product and make your customers happy.
You can use it in your other video products or for your webinars.
You can distribute it to your affiliates for they promote you.
You can also create eBooks and may be create multiple eBooks out of it.
You can retain paying members by adding this product to your paid membership site.
You can rename, rebrand or customize it and claim full authorship. Everything is up to you.

What you can’t do ?

No, you may NOT sell or giveaway private label rights (non-transferable PLR).
You can sell or giveaway resell rights
No, you may NOT sell or giveaway master resell rights
No, you may NOT giveaway the main eBook for free. Must be sold for at least $7.

What Goodbye Addiction PLR Sales Funnel Review Bonuses Can I choose From?

Online Course Builder Playbook Over The Shoulder PLR Video Course Review

Online Course Builder Playbook Over The Shoulder PLR Video Course Review

Product Name: Online Course Builder Playbook Over The Shoulder PLR Video Course

Author:  Charles and Laurel Harper

My Honest Online Course Builder Playbook Over The Shoulder PLR Video Coursed You Get To Choose Your Bonuses.

Online Course Builder Playbook Over The Shoulder PLR Video Course Review

What is The Online Course Builder Playbook Over The Shoulder PLR Video Course

Lean, Teach and Sell The Process of Setting Up Online Course Marketing Systems

There is more to creating an affiliate promotion than just sharing your link on social media or emailing a broadcast.  When done right, you can build more credibility with your audience, generate more leads and be more targeted in your promotions.

With a certain set of technical processes, you can automate all of these features into your affiliate promotions.

What is means to you is that you build more authority with your promotions, even as you send the buyer to another business owner.

Setting up these processes isn’t a common thing to do and something you won’t find on email as you look at the entire set of videos.   But once it’s working for you, it can help you (or your customer) to achieve more of your business goals.


Online Course Builder Playbook Over The Shoulder PLR Video Course

Online Course Builder Playbook Bundle

You and Your Customers Can Become an Overnight Authority With Our Simple To Follow Training and Instruction

Online Course Builder Playbook DVD

Stay on the Cutting Edge With This Course and Content

So, we’ve taken the time to go over those things

In 20 over the shoulder videos

In less than one hour…

To walk through the process

And give you everything you need to teach your customer
how it works

Baby Step By Baby Step

You Can Position yourself with an Evergreen Course which is Perfect for Newbies AND Advanced Marketers…

Here’s What You’re Getting:

20+ High Level Step by Step Over the Shoulder Videos

Online Course Builder Playbook DVD
  • 0001 – Online Course Marketplaces with Multiple Authors
  • 0002 – Digital Download Options
  • 0003 – Sell Your Online Course Take Crypto Currency
  • 0004 – Self Hosted Course Platform Like Amember
  • 0005 – Customizable Online Course Platform
  • 0006 – Design a Site For Delivery
  • 0007 – Protecting Your Course Content Download
  • 0008 – Protect Your Course Area
  • 0009 – Protecting Your Streaming Content
  • 0010 – Create Course Dashboard Navigation
  • 0011 – Create Essential Pages for Your Course Platform
  • 0012 – Create A Support Channel
  • 0013 – Connect the Course Platform Reply Address For Support
  • 0014 – Customize the Course Platform E-Mails
  • 0015 – Design Your Course Area on Purpose
  • 0016 – Design Your Course Lesson Area
  • 0017 – Design and Create a Pricing Element
  • 0018 – Connect the Pricing Element to an External Sales Page
  • 0019 – Design a Sales Page with The Right Content
  • 0020 – Design and Customize the Thank You Page and Checkout Page

20 High Quality Mp3 Companion Audios

Online Course Builder Playbook Audio Image

Professional Sales and Thank You Page

Online Course Builder Playbook Sales Page

Lead Magnet Set Up Page

Online Course Builder Playbook Lead Magnet

Full Set of Professional Graphics and Banner Advertisements Plus All of the Source PSD Files

Online Course Builder Playbook Showcase of Images

Full Contextual Course Shots

Online Course Builder Playbook Slides

Full PLR Video Transcripts

Online Course Builder Playbook Transcripts fe
Online Course Builder Playbook Transcripts Image

TWO PLR Set Up Training Webinars

Ultimate PLR Set Up Webinar

Online Course Builder Playbook Video Image

Ultimate PLR Profit Opportunities Webinar

Online Course Builder Playbook Video Image

PLR Bonus Content Resell Rights Create a Product with Your IPhone (Basic Version) 20 Additional Videos With Marketing and Sales Pages

Online Course Builder Playbook Bundle

Everything You Can Do With This Package (Rights Defined)

All You Can Do To Build Value With Your Purchase

  • CERTAINLY, You can and should use the course for your own business!
  • You’ll Make Out Like A Bandit If You Sell It in Dime Sale Events…Go For It!
  • Be Adventurous…Change It Into a Physical Product and Sell It Offline or At a Seminar
  • Take Charge, put your name on it as the author
  • Don’t worry..it’s flexible, so you can change stuff to make it fit your individual business
  • While you’re at it, if you need to change it into a book, a long video or long audio; be my guest; they call that repurposing these days.
  • I’m all for getting more money, so combine it with another product and sell it at a higher price
  • Live that “affiliate lifestyle”, use this product as a bonus for your affiliate offer (videos only)
  • Bonuses make products HOT, so use this as a bonus on your launch
  • I could say more, but check out the certificate inside!

All That Will Devalue Your Purchase

  • You Cannot Sell To Your Customer With Private Label Rights
  • You Cannot Sell to Your Customer With Giveaway Rights
  • You Cannot Sell to Your Customer With Master Resell Rights
  • You Cannot Sell Resell Rights to Your Customer
  • You Cannot Place This on Your YouTube Channel Publicly (You can do so Unlisted)
  • You Cannot Place This in a Free Membership Site
  • You Cannot Place This Inside of a PLR Membership To Give Any Kind of Rights (You can give personal use rights)
  • You Cannot Give the Graphics away when you use the product as a bonus (videos only)
  • Bonuses make products HOT, so use this as a bonus on your launch
  • I could say more, but check out the certificate inside!

What PLR Set Up Masterclass 2.0 Over The Shoulder PLR Video Series Review Bonuses Can I choose From?

DFY Promo Emails Unrestricted PLR Review

DFY Promo Emails Unrestricted PLR Review

Product Name: DFY Promo Emails Unrestricted PLR

Author:  Firelaunchers

My Honest DFY Promo Emails Unrestricted PLR Review and You Get To Choose Your Bonuses.

DFY Promo Emails Unrestricted PLR Review

What is DFY Promo Emails Unrestricted PLR?

You are about to get instant access to an exclusive collection of 950+ Professionally Written Cash Generating Promotional Email Templates to help you write better marketing emails, posts, ads… faster, and easier.

On the inside, you’ll get 950+ done-for-you promotional emails to edit and use anyhow you want. Everything is well organized into 32 Internet Marketing Subjects to help you write better-converting emails.


DFY Promo Emails Unrestricted PLR

DFY Promo Emails Bundle

DFY Promo Emails Features

DFY Promo Emails Screenshot
  • 950+ Done-For-You Promotional Emails
  • Fully Customizable with all the required editable files
  • 2 Million Niche Articles
  • DFY Promo Emails is easy to modify with Step-by-step editing
  • Money-Making with Unrestricted PLR
  • Fully Integrated and Highly Converting Sales Funnel
  • Make up to $352 in Commissions per Customer

What DFY Promo Emails Can Do For You

  • DFY Promo Emails is perfect for selling your own products, offers, and services
  • Promote affiliate products (just edit or use as it is)
  • Easily draft your next video scripts in minutes
  • Convert or create rich niche blog posts SEO content
  • Craft engaging social media posts as an expert
  • Compile several content emails together into a short report
  • Swipe content for your affiliates
  • Use as a content filler for your sales letters

Here are some of the topics that promo email sell:

  1. Affiliate Marketing: Amazon Marketing, ClickBank Paycheck, Cash Machine…
  2. JVZoo: Conversion, Funnel Setup, Sales and Marketing…
  3. PLR MRR: Giveaway Reports, Turnkey Business, Profit from PLR…
  4. Product Creation: Coaching, Public Domain, Consultations…
  5. Free Report: High Ticket, Resell Rights, Sales Video Formula…
  6. Make Money Online: Site Flipping, CPA, Money Machine…
  7. List Building: Solo Ads, Lead Magnets, Viral List…
  8. Memberships: Recurring Income, Continuity Cash…
  9. Video: Video Creation, YouTube Videos…
  10. SEO: Backlinks, SEO Basics, Backlink Generation…
  11. Social Media: Instagram Traffic, Podcast, Twitter…
  12. Training: Branding, Google Tools, Tutorials…
  13. WordPress: Plugin Secrets, eCom Store, Niche Blogs…

DFY Promo Emails FAQS

  • What is ‘DFY Promo Emails Pack’? DFY Promo Emails Pack is an instant access to an exclusive collection of 950+ Professionally Written Cash Generating Promotional Email Templates to help you write better marketing emails, posts, ads… faster, and easier. And with Unrestricted Private Label Rights, you can also sell them further with PLR for pure profits.
  • Can I give Private Label Rights to my customers for DFY Promo Emails? Yes, after buying their Unrestricted PLR license, you can sell this product with Private Label Rights to your customers. That means you can sell this product with or without changes with PLR and your customers are also allowed to sell it further.
  • Are my customers allowed to sell the product further? Yes, they are offering this package with a mind-blowing Unrestricted Private Label Rights license, which means even your customers are allowed to sell it further with PLR.
  • What if I am not happy with the product after purchase? If you are not satisfied with their products’ quality then you can request a full refund for your purchase within 30 days. You will get your money back ASAP. No question asked.
  • Do they have to pay monthly fees for DFY Promo Emails? No, you just have to pay once for this product. There are no monthly fees or hidden charges apart from that payment.

What DFY Promo Emails Unrestricted PLR Review Bonuses Can I choose From?